Friday, December 26, 2008

Its Finally Over

Well, the snow didn't end at 11:30 this morning like I hoped. It hasn't completely ended yet. It is still snowing a little bit here and there. The news did call it a blizzard tonight, the blizzard of 2008. The official total for my area of the state is 21 inches. Thank you lake effect. They are kind of hard to see but those specks of white on my car are actually snowflakes. The house is the house across the street. I thought that was a better picture of the snowflakes but not sure you can really see them there. You can, however, see how low the visablity was. The chainlink fence is my fence so that house is usually very easily seen.

Snow, snow, snow

The snow here has been crazy! It started snowing yesterday and finally stopped. It's 11:30 am here now. There are a couple of cars that are stuck in the road on our circle. My husband has been snowblowing all morning and likely, he'll have to do them all again. We recieved 12 inches of snow and likely recieved that again today. We got stuck in the snow going to my mom's house for Christmas yesterday and again on the way home. The snow plows won't be able to get to us until next week. I'm afraid our street will be ice then. The above pictures are of a ruler. The first one is just outside our door and isn't all the way down cuz the first inch or two is ice. The second one is by the sidewalk. Third one is the ruler just outside our gate. It is a four foot gate. On the bottom, the first one is the ruler on the car; 7 inches if I recall correctly. The last one is my husband doing the neighbors yard. I told you it was crazy.

Merry Christmas

Monday, December 22, 2008

Not Me Monday

taking my first step into the Not Me Mondays

I was not late to my sister-in-laws house on Saturday and did not wear damp pants because I did not forgot to start the dryer when I put my clothes in.

I did not wrap all the Christmas presents then forget what is in which package because, of course, I would have written down what was in each package. Nope, not me.

I didn't miscalculate my finances and wrap up socks for my fahter-in-law that I bought for my husband. I wouldn't do that.

I did not threaten to call Santa and tell him not to come because the children are all perfect angels. I wouldn't be that mean.

I am not dreaming of a green Christmas in a tropical paradise and I lookk outside at the snow and think of all the predicted storms. I am not thinking of Bing Crosby and cursing that song.

I am not going to close this post and get me a cup of hot chocolate now.

To see what other people have not done, go to

Busy Weekend-ish

I said weekend-ish because Friday isn't actually a part of the weekend, but Friday is when my weekend started. We had a family Christmas party for my side of the family. We had a potluck and the children exchanged gifts. No pictures, I forgot my camera.

Saturday, we celebrated my son's 10th birthday with all his friends. None of them were on time and one came 1/2 hour before the party ended. And I forgot to take a picture of the cake. I did get pics of the party but none of my son alone and I won't post pics of other children without permission.

Saturday night we had a Christmas party at my sister-in-laws house for my husbands side of the family. His parents didn't come cuz they were sick. My brother-in-laws family didn't come because they forgot so their children weren't home. My husband suggested not going because no one else was coming and now he knows why we don't plan stuff like this for his side of the family. We were late but we did show up. The children made gingerbread houses out of graham crackers. Then Santa and Mrs. Clause came and handed out gifts to the children. They were really late and I felt jipped. (Is that even how its spelled?) Okay, I was disappointed but it really was fun.

Sunday, we had a party for the family to celebrate my son's birthday even though he hasn't had it yet. I invite my mother and father in law but not the rest because they never come anyway so I just quit. I guess my brother-in-law felt bad so I called him and gave him an official invitation. My sister-in-law thought it was more important to play her Nintendo than come so I have just proven my point as to why they are never invited. Anyhoo, he is on a Bakugan thing so I didn't get him any for his birthday (I saved them all for Christmas). He did get some from my sister, my sister-in-law on my side, and his grandma so he was happy. I am also happy to report that my husband did not give in and give him any presents early. He has a hard time waiting. Sometimes I think he is more excited than the children.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Works for Me Wednesday

My husband used to get old applicances and recycle them. I did my own recycling with dishwasher utinsel holders. I put them on the wall in my sewing room to hold notions or other supplies. Check it out in the pictures below. Go to Rocks In My Dryer for more Works for Me Wednesday.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

My Little Snow Shoveler

It snowed for 1/2 the day today. The snow accumlated and the snow blower wouldn't start. My sweet son, on his own, decided to shovel the snow for his dad. He shoveled once and come back in with freezing cold hands. After he had warmed up a bit, he put his gloves on and went back outside and shoveled it again. He cleaned off all the sidewalk, the driveway (which isn't so little) and even my car. It was so sweet.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Tree

We finally got our Christmas tree up and decorated. It is a fake tree. We (me and the children) put on the first row of branches and then Daddy puts on one row of lights. Then, next row of branches and next row of lights. I think he likes lots of lights. My little baby (who is 2) was loving the decorating of the tree. Anything she could find that had a hook or a loop was on the tree as fast as she could get it there. She loves our "bootiful" tree. The picture of the stocking is the only homemade ornament on our tree. I made about 100 of them one year. Gave some to children's classes at school, gave some to cousins and gave the rest to a local children's hospital.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

M&M Christmas Story

In case you don't know, I teach Sunday School at my church every other Sunday, 12 going on 13 year olds. I call them my "kids". I wanted to do something special for them for Christmas. This is what I've decided to do. Attached to a package of M&M will be this poem.
As you hold these candies in your hand
and turn them, you will see....
The M becomes a W, an E, and then a 3.
They tell the Christmas story it's one I'm sure you know.
It took place in a stable a long, long time ago.
The E is for the East where the star shone oh so bright.
The M is for the Manger where the baby Jesus slept that night.
The 3 is for the Wiseman bearing gifts, they say they came.
W is for Worship, HallelujahPraise to His name.
So as you eat these candies or share them with a friend,
Remember the meaning of Christmas,
It's a Love story that never ends.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Nephew Is Doing Well

Because we are familiar with diabetes in this family and because my nephew is a smart boy, he is going home today. He gave himself his first shot this morning. He understands what's going on. My sister will have to watch him though because depression is common among diabetics. I'm just glad it was caught early. All the tests were done and there was no problems caused by the diabetes.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Nephew has Diabetes

My mom has type 2 diabetes. She has been periodically checking my nephews blood sugar. My nephew is 10 years old. Yesterday, his blood sugar was over 600. Normal is 120 or below. Today, his fasting blood glucose was over 300. My sister took him to Primary Children's Medical Center and told them she thinks he has diabetes. She said the nurse looked at her like she didn't know what she was talking about. Their machine tests up to 700; his sugar level was so high it didn't register. Okay, he hasn't eaten anything for a few hours so that pretty much says he is diabetic. He will be in the hospital for 3 days so they can stabilize him and get his family educated on type 1 diabetes. Thank goodness it was discovered early enough he didn't get sick or anything. Thank goodness we know what to look for.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

101 in 1001 update

#2 was to get rid of my PMI. I got a letter Monday telling me its been removed. Yay!
#39 was to try a new craft. My new craft is bath salts. I bought some essential oils. Need to get some salts still but I will do that tomorrow. I'll let ya'll know how it turns out. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

This is my daughter's name Funny how it came up.

Your Elf Name Is: Sassy Cartwheels
Son of a nutcracker!

My Elf Name Is

Your Elf Name Is...

Ditzy Fluffernutter

What's" Your Elf Name?

I saw this over at Mattersoftheheart, too funny. Go check it out, and let me know what yours is.