Thursday, March 5, 2009

My New Job

I have a new job. I trained at the office for a week and a half then they gave me a computer and I started working from home. There are ups and downs working from home.

First, the downs.
1. No designated time. The work is always there. I don't get to leave it at the office.
2. Distrations. I have to deal with all the home things while I'm working. And if I really don't feel like working, there is always laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc.
3. My pay is based on how many documents I can do in an hour.
4. I listen to books on tapes/CD while driving/sitting in traffic. Don't listen to many anymore.
The Ups
1. I love being home for my children. They are confident that I am here for them.
2. No babysitter. I can work while my three-year-old plays next to me.
3. No designated time. I can work whenever I want as long as I get my hours in.
4. The commute is amazing!
5. I can go to work in my pajamas and no one makes comments.
6. I can rearrange my office anytime I want. I can have an office with or without a window, move my desk just because.
Looks like the pros win.


Tara Steffen Fotos said...

What kind of work do you do?

Ya, it will get better when the kids go to school and leave you alone for several hours to get your work done.

Keep it up! This is cheaper than daycare! And you are there for them!

Tootsie said...

I hear ya! I work from home too. I do my decorating business and gel nails for people. I also do some of the bookwork for my husband and my companies....three kids make life a little challenging too...good luck. Once you find your groove and make a will do smashingly!